Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Booze Hound and The Boobie Bash

We survived the Boobie Bash. But this picture was taken way late in the evening (hint: Chris's cheeks turn pink after a couple of drinks), so we sorta look like we barely survived. We believe a good time was had by all who weathered the weather to be with us (please don't disillusion us).

A few not to be missed highlights:

VALERIE ZUCKER (although it seems some of you still remember her as Valerie Mraz--it's like she's had as many names as I have!) did a bang up job of setting up, bartending, photographing, coat-checking, bartending again (I think I cursed that part somewhere around 4a.m. this morning), coat-retrieving, and breaking all the rules by coordinating a fantastic gift surprise (more on that in a bit). I don't know what either one of us is doing in this photo, but I'm sure it was important. Or just, um, weird. And this was before the campfire songs started.

PAUL and LORI THIEL won the "greatest distance traveled to celebrate boobies" award, by braving the storm and penetrating the force field that generally separates south Orange County from Riverside. And then, judging by this picture on the left, apparently I lectured them. I can be like that. Paul said it was totally worth the drive though, because there are no strip clubs in Mission Viejo. He may have had the wrong idea about the boobie bash, but he did mask his disappointment well.

Then because I firmly believe there is no such thing as too much attention, and because Valerie demanded that I sit and I'm still used to her carrying a gun and a badge, I sat while she gathered folks in the living room. Even though I said "no gifts" and was not at all hinting that anyone who cared about me in the slightest would want me to have Robert Deyber's "Booze Hound" lithograph, it seems several sneaky follks got together and bought it for me!! They even got a signed program from the artist who wrote a little "Go Pink!" Happy Birthday note which is, ironically, written across the "Bad Hare Day" picture. I was genuinely surprised (and I mean that; genuinely). Special thanks to: VALERIE ZUCKER, LORI LACEFIELD, SUE MITCHELL, ZEE BEARD, STACEY ALDSTADT and DEANNE EDWARDS, BARBARA and DAVID MOORE, GARY BERG, LAUREEN and GUY PITTMAN, MICHELLE PIERCE, and DOUG and BARBARA SHACKELTON for bringing the Booze Hound to the Boobie Bash!DAVE WRIGHT and partner VINCE PRICE kept the cosmos pouring, even though Dave refused to wear pink citing it as "too gay." WOODY RUCKER-HUGHES brought a delectable pulled-pork and slaw sandwich spread which we enjoyed again today. RORYANN CLEMENTS from OMAKASE (it's been over a day since I mentioned her, and they were threatening to ban me from the restaurant over that) dropped off 3 dozen boobie pops which rapidly disappeared, and I'm a little shocked at how many folks claimed they were taking them home to their children. KRISTIN TILLQUIST was kind enough (kind--get it? Okay, look at her book over there to the right. Get it now?) to bring a huge veggie tray--with potato chips in the middle! I realize a potato is a vegetable, but that's still funny! (Oh, and go to Kristin's book signing February 27th from 5 to 7pm at Saffron's in downtown Riverside. I'll be reeling from the chemo, but you all have a good time for me.)

Seamus was of course present and blessedly Destiny came to watch him. A beagle cannot be left unattended in a room full of suckers, I mean people, and trays of food. A beagle will manipulate even the hardest hearted among you into feeding him his eighth meal of the moment. Destiny has far better control over Seamus than either Chris or I do and was able to limit Seamus's food intake to only twice his body weight. Since he was sporting the ever-so-stylish and studly "Beagles for Boobies" t-shirt (thanks, Mom!), many guests found him irresistible and bent down to pet him...and that's when he stole their food. Which is why we say he is diabolically cute.

The party lasted until nearly two in the morning. And some of you have since mentioned you did not realize JACK CLARKE is that funny. Oh, he tries to be all serious and dignified, but if you look at the picture closely, you will see the giant scotch in front of him-- let's just call it "not the first one." He can't help himself, he's just the best straight man there is. (The late night party crew assembled in the photo includes STACEY ALDSTADT, JACK CLARKE (JR. but I think we're all clear on that now), SHEILA CLARKE, and BECKY WHATLEY (and man, can that girl party).

I will have more photos (these are some that Chris took, we'll have to get more from Valerie, the "official" photographer), more stories and probably spill a few secrets tomorrow (the kind you learn when people are drinking in your living room late at night), but for now...did I mention the party went on until nearly 2a.m.? Yeah, I'm sleepy. (Yes, I'm sticking with that description. Shut up.). If that is the only party I get to be a part of in this crappy year that is 2009 for me, at least it was a good one. Thanks to all who attended or had a drink with me in spirit (and my head feels like that must have been a lot of you). And a special thanks to Chris, who hasn't exactly had it easy these past few weeks and nonetheless tirelessly worked before, during and after the party without a single complaint. (Love you, baby!).

And here's my last photo of the evening. We'll call this one "The Survivors." T.C. BOND (1 year survivor), and KATHY DOWNING (20+ years) with me (an aspiring survivor). They've both been great help and truly inspirational through this "journey," so it was great to see them and raise a glass to getting through it all.


  1. Here I am 6 minutes after your post. See I'm hooked on your blog too! Looks & sounds like your party was a smashing success. Well, they say every picture tells a story and by the looks of these pictures, everyone had a great time:) Wished we could have joined you all. We might be coming by your office in the next couple days, to drop off some things Dad has for you. But we will call first.

  2. Loved your party. Wish I'd have had one more martini (good shakin', Chris!) and at least one MORE helping of Woody's great pulled pork dish.

  3. What a fun party! I wish I could have come!!! Hopefully, Celeste and I can come see you sometime soon, or we can meet up again in Newport!


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